Choreonoid  1.8
Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
VRML.h File Reference
#include "Referenced.h"
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <cnoid/stdx/variant>
#include <string>
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "exportdecl.h"

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struct  cnoid::SFTime
struct  cnoid::SFImage
class  cnoid::VRMLNode
 Abstract base class of all vrml nodes. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLUnsupportedNode
class  cnoid::VRMLViewpoint
 VRML Viewpoint node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLNavigationInfo
 VRML NavigationInfo node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLBackground
 VRML Background node. More...
class  cnoid::AbstractVRMLGroup
class  cnoid::VRMLGroup
 VRML Group node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLTransform
 VRML Transform node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLInline
 VRML Inline node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLNonVrmlInline
class  cnoid::VRMLShape
 VRML Shape node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLAppearance
 VRML Appearance node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLMaterial
 VRML Material node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLTexture
 Base class of VRML Texture nodes. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLImageTexture
 VRML ImageTexture node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLTextureTransform
 VRML TextureTransform node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLGeometry
 Base class of VRML geometry nodes. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLBox
 VRML Box node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLCone
 VRML Cone node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLCylinder
 VRML Cylinder node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLSphere
 VRML Sphere node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLFontStyle
 VRML FontStyle node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLText
 VRML Text node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLIndexedLineSet
 VRML IndexedLineSet node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLIndexedFaceSet
 VRML IndexedFaseSet node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLColor
 VRML Color node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLCoordinate
 VRML Coordinate node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLTextureCoordinate
 VRML TextureCoordinate node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLNormal
 VRML Normal node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLCylinderSensor
 VRML CylinderSensor node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLPointSet
 VRML PointSet node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLPixelTexture
 VRML PixelTexture node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLMovieTexture
 VRML MovieTexture node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLElevationGrid
 VRML ElevationGrid node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLExtrusion
 VRML Extrusion node. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLSwitch
class  cnoid::VRMLLOD
class  cnoid::VRMLCollision
class  cnoid::VRMLAnchor
class  cnoid::VRMLBillboard
class  cnoid::VRMLFog
class  cnoid::VRMLWorldInfo
class  cnoid::VRMLLight
class  cnoid::VRMLPointLight
class  cnoid::VRMLDirectionalLight
class  cnoid::VRMLSpotLight
class  cnoid::VRMLProto
 VRML Proto definition. More...
class  cnoid::VRMLProtoInstance
 VRML node which is instance of VRML Prototype. More...




typedef bool cnoid::SFBool
typedef int cnoid::SFInt32
typedef double cnoid::SFFloat
typedef std::string cnoid::SFString
typedef Eigen::Vector2d cnoid::SFVec2f
typedef Eigen::Vector2f cnoid::SFVec2s
typedef Eigen::Vector3d cnoid::SFVec3f
typedef Eigen::Vector3f cnoid::SFVec3s
typedef Eigen::Vector3f cnoid::SFColor
typedef Eigen::AngleAxisd cnoid::SFRotation
typedef std::vector< SFInt32 > cnoid::MFInt32
typedef std::vector< SFFloat > cnoid::MFFloat
typedef std::vector< SFVec2f, Eigen::aligned_allocator< SFVec2f > > cnoid::MFVec2f
typedef std::vector< SFVec2s > cnoid::MFVec2s
typedef std::vector< SFVec3f > cnoid::MFVec3f
typedef std::vector< SFVec3s > cnoid::MFVec3s
typedef std::vector< SFRotation, Eigen::aligned_allocator< SFRotation > > cnoid::MFRotation
typedef std::vector< SFTime > cnoid::MFTime
typedef std::vector< SFColor > cnoid::MFColor
typedef std::vector< SFString > cnoid::MFString
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLNode > cnoid::VRMLNodePtr
typedef VRMLNodePtr cnoid::SFNode
typedef std::vector< SFNode > cnoid::MFNode
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLUnsupportedNode > cnoid::VRMLUnsupportedNodePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLViewpoint > cnoid::VRMLViewpointPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLNavigationInfo > cnoid::VRMLNavigationInfoPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLBackground > cnoid::VRMLBackgroundPtr
typedef ref_ptr< AbstractVRMLGroup > cnoid::AbstractVRMLGroupPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLGroup > cnoid::VRMLGroupPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLTransform > cnoid::VRMLTransformPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLInline > cnoid::VRMLInlinePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLNonVrmlInline > cnoid::VRMLNonVrmlInlinePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLAppearance > cnoid::VRMLAppearancePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLGeometry > cnoid::VRMLGeometryPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLShape > cnoid::VRMLShapePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLMaterial > cnoid::VRMLMaterialPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLTexture > cnoid::VRMLTexturePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLTextureTransform > cnoid::VRMLTextureTransformPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLImageTexture > cnoid::VRMLImageTexturePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLBox > cnoid::VRMLBoxPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLCone > cnoid::VRMLConePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLCylinder > cnoid::VRMLCylinderPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLSphere > cnoid::VRMLSpherePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLFontStyle > cnoid::VRMLFontStylePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLText > cnoid::VRMLTextPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLColor > cnoid::VRMLColorPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLCoordinate > cnoid::VRMLCoordinatePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLIndexedLineSet > cnoid::VRMLIndexedLineSetPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLNormal > cnoid::VRMLNormalPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLTextureCoordinate > cnoid::VRMLTextureCoordinatePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLIndexedFaceSet > cnoid::VRMLIndexedFaceSetPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLCylinderSensor > cnoid::VRMLCylinderSensorPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLPointSet > cnoid::VRMLPointSetPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLPixelTexture > cnoid::VRMLPixelTexturePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLMovieTexture > cnoid::VRMLMovieTexturePtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLElevationGrid > cnoid::VRMLElevationGridPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLExtrusion > cnoid::VRMLExtrusionPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLSwitch > cnoid::VRMLSwitchPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLLOD > cnoid::VRMLLODPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLCollision > cnoid::VRMLCollisionPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLAnchor > cnoid::VRMLAnchorPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLBillboard > cnoid::VRMLBillboardPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLFog > cnoid::VRMLFogPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLWorldInfo > cnoid::VRMLWorldInfoPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLLight > cnoid::VRMLLightPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLPointLight > cnoid::VRMLPointLightPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLDirectionalLight > cnoid::VRMLDirectionalLightPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLSpotLight > cnoid::VRMLSpotLightPtr
typedef stdx::variant< SFBool, SFInt32, SFFloat, SFVec2f, SFVec3f, SFRotation, SFColor, SFTime, SFString, SFNode, SFImage, MFInt32, MFFloat, MFVec2f, MFVec3f, MFRotation, MFColor, MFTime, MFString, MFNode > cnoid::VRMLVariantField
typedef std::map< std::string, VRMLVariantField > cnoid::VRMLProtoFieldMap
typedef std::pair< std::string, VRMLVariantField > cnoid::VRMLProtoFieldPair
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLProto > cnoid::VRMLProtoPtr
typedef ref_ptr< VRMLProtoInstance > cnoid::VRMLProtoInstancePtr


enum  cnoid::VRMLNodeCategory {
  cnoid::ANY_NODE = -1, cnoid::PROTO_DEF_NODE = 0, cnoid::PROTO_INSTANCE_NODE, cnoid::TOP_NODE,
enum  cnoid::VRMLFieldTypeId {
  cnoid::SFBOOL, cnoid::SFINT32, cnoid::SFFLOAT, cnoid::SFVEC2F,
  cnoid::SFVEC3F, cnoid::SFROTATION, cnoid::SFCOLOR, cnoid::SFTIME,
  cnoid::SFSTRING, cnoid::SFNODE, cnoid::SFIMAGE, cnoid::MFINT32,
  cnoid::MFFLOAT, cnoid::MFVEC2F, cnoid::MFVEC3F, cnoid::MFROTATION,
  cnoid::MFCOLOR, cnoid::MFTIME, cnoid::MFSTRING, cnoid::MFNODE,


const CNOID_EXPORT char * cnoid::labelOfVRMLfieldTypeId (const std::type_info &fieldType)
template<typename TValue >
const char * cnoid::labelOfVRMLfieldType ()
template<class VRMLNodeType >
ref_ptr< VRMLNodeType > cnoid::dynamic_node_cast (VRMLNodePtr node)

Detailed Description

Shin'ichiro Nakaoka