Installing and building AGX Dynamics plugin

AGX Dynamics plugin is included in the Choreonoid source code.
Set the following cmake option ON before building Choreonoid.
You can check the description of building Choreonoid at CMake build settings.
  • BUILD_AGX_DYNAMICS_PLUGIN : AGXDynamicsPlugin - Enable rigid body simulation with AGX Dynamics

  • BUILD_AGX_BODYEXTENSION_PLUGIN : AGXBodyExtensionPlugin - Including dedicated models such as wire, breakable joint, etc. Only works with AGXDynamicsPlugin.

Now, let’s start building and installing.
First, move to the Choreonoid source directory and execute cmake and ccmake.
cd choreonoid
cmake .
ccmake .

Enable following options ON, then execute configure and generate.



Make sure that CMake Errors are not occurred. Then execute make, make install as follows:

make -j4
make install


Since AGXBodyExtensionPlugin is depeneded on AGXDynamicsPlugin, ccmake will not show the option BUILD_AGX_BODYEXTENSION_PLUGIN when BUILD_AGX_DYNAMICS_PLUGIN is OFF. Set BUILD_AGX_DYNAMICS_PLUGIN ON and execute configure once.


When ccmake configure is executed, the AGX Dynamics installation path AGX_DIR is automatically set. In case that AGX_DIR is not set, please set it manually. The default path is /opt/Algoryx/AgX-<version>.