Controller implementation

Controller implementation

Here we describe the basics of implementing a controller in your workflow.

A controller generally performs the three core functions below. These are executed as a repeating control loop.

  1. Robot state input

  2. Control calculations

  3. Outputting commands to the robot

These processes can be managed through standalone controllers for each, or through the combination of multiple software components. We referred to “control calculations” above as a single concept, but this includes a wide range of detection and movement computations and may also include input/output designed for entities other than robots. In the context of robots, however, it is best to think of the controller as ultimately carrying out the three processes above.

This lets us interpret the controller as a software module equipped with the interfaces to perform those three processes. The actual API varies by controller format, but the core aspects are the same.

Below, we utilize the SR1MinimumController discussed in the section on Introduction of Controller as an example. The controller is structured as a “simple controller” used for sample purposes in Choreonoid. The control routines are limited to maintaining the orientation of the robot by use of PD control of the joints. The controller is written in C++.

When developing your own controller, you can refer to this sample and its core functionality while restructuring it in your preferred format and with your preferred control routines. Generally speaking, the development of robot controllers requires a range of knowledge and expertise in control processes, programming, hardware, and more. The majority of these competencies are outside of the scope of this manual. You should pursue each area as needed for your particular use case.

Sample controller source code

Below you will find the SR1MinimumController source code. You will find this source code in the file SR1MinimumController, located in the /sample/SimpleController/ path of the Choreonoid source directory.

#include <cnoid/SimpleController>
#include <vector>

using namespace cnoid;

const double pgain[] = {
    8000.0, 8000.0, 8000.0, 8000.0, 8000.0, 8000.0,
    3000.0, 3000.0, 3000.0, 3000.0, 3000.0, 3000.0, 3000.0,
    8000.0, 8000.0, 8000.0, 8000.0, 8000.0, 8000.0,
    3000.0, 3000.0, 3000.0, 3000.0, 3000.0, 3000.0, 3000.0,
    8000.0, 8000.0, 8000.0 };

const double dgain[] = {
    100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0,
    100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0,
    100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0,
    100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0,
    100.0, 100.0, 100.0 };

class SR1MinimumController : public SimpleController
    BodyPtr ioBody;
    double dt;
    std::vector<double> qref;
    std::vector<double> qold;


    virtual bool initialize(SimpleControllerIO* io) override
        ioBody = io->body();
        dt = io->timeStep();

        for(int i=0; i < ioBody->numJoints(); ++i){
            Link* joint = ioBody->joint(i);
        qold = qref;

        return true;

    virtual bool control() override
        for(int i=0; i < ioBody->numJoints(); ++i){
            Link* joint = ioBody->joint(i);
            double q = joint->q();
            double dq = (q - qold[i]) / dt;
            double u = (qref[i] - q) * pgain[i] + (0.0 - dq) * dgain[i];
            qold[i] = q;
            joint->u() = u;
        return true;


This controller is provided as a sample with Choreonoid; by default, it is configured to build simultaneously with Choreonoid. (It is enough for the CMake settings to specify BUILD_SIMPLE_CONTROLLER_SAMPLES as “ON.”)

For instructions on how to separately implement the SimpleController in a standalone fashion from the sample, please refer to the section on Building the controller .

SimpleController class

Controllers in the SimpleController format are implemented by inheriting the SimpleController class. This class can be used per the below:

#include <cnoid/SimpleController>

This includes the cnoid/SimpleController header.

Generally speaking, this class is defined as follows:

class SimpleController
    virtual bool initialize(SimpleControllerIO* io) = 0;
    virtual bool control() = 0;

By overriding the inherited class with this virtual function, we specify the controller process. The contents of each function are given below.

  • virtual bool initialize(SimpleControllerIO* io)

This function initializes the controller. Use the io argument to poll objects and data implicated in the control process.

  • virtual bool control()

This function handles controller input, control, and output. When being controlled, this function is executed as an ongoing control loop.

If you define a class to inherit SimpleController, you must define a factory function for it. It is fine to use a macro as below to achieve this:


This allows the common library files (dynamic links) compiled from source to be usable as an actual controller in the form of a SimpleController item.


For more information on the SimpleController class, please refer to “src/SimpleControllerPlugin/library/SimpleController.h”, which defines this class in the source archive. Also, please refer to Tip: About the definition of the SimpleController class at the end of this section.

IO object

The SimpleControllerIO object passed as an io argument to the above initialize function is an object that contains the requisite information for I/O between the controller and robot. Below, we refer to this object as an “IO object.”

This class inherits the ControllerIO class. Some of the functions defined in the ControllerIO class are below; these can be used to implement the controller as you see fit.

  • Body* body()

Returns the body object used for input/output.

  • std::string optionString() const

Returns the option string given to the controller.

  • std::vector<std::string> options() const

Returns a space-delimited breakdown of the option string.

  • std::ostream& os() const

Returns an output stream of messages output from the controller.

  • double timeStep() const

Returns the time step. Given in seconds.

  • double currentTime() const

Returns the current time. Given in seconds. At the start of the simulation, the time is 0.

Input/output using a body object

The SimpleController allows for input and output via a body object. The body object is a Choreonoid internal expression for Body Model and an instance of the Body class defined in C++. The Body class is a data structure used to store the robot model and its state, so it can be used to store values like joint angle, torque, sensor status, and other data implicated in input/output. This is why the SimpleController allows for input and output via a body object. The body object can be obtained via the body function of the IO object.

Actuation mode

The actuation mode is the basic concept implicated in joint output. It is used to determine which state variable to use as a command value when driving joints. The below symbols are defined in the Link class for this mode.

Link::ActuationMode enumeration symbols



State variable


No actuation/drive. The joints operate freely.


A command value is used to assign force and torque to the joint.



Same as JOINT_EFFORT. Defined for prismatic joints.



Same as JOINT_EFFORT. Defined for rotating joints.



A command value for joint displacement (joint angle and joint translation position).



Same as JOINT_DISPLACEMENT. Defined for rotating joints.



A command value for joint velocity and offset speed.



A command value for relative velocity on the intersection of the link surface and environment. This is used for simplified crawler and conveyor belt simulations. For details, see the section on Simplified Simulation of Crawler .


The following functions of the Link class can be used to read and write the actuation mode.

  • ActuationMode actuationMode() const

Returns the currently set actuation mode.

  • void setActuationMode(ActuationMode mode)

Sets the actuation mode.

Enabling I/O

IO objects are used to configure which state variables to use as input/output to/from the controller. To do so, the SimpleControllerIO class defines the following functions.

  • void enableInput(Link* link)

Enables input to the state quantity controller for the link specified with the “link” attribute. Works with corresponding state quantities for the ActuationMode set for the link.

  • void enableInput(Link* link, int stateTypes)

Using the link given with “link,” stateTypes enables passing input on status quantity to the controller.

  • void enableOutput(Link* link)

Using the link given with “link,” enables output of status quantity from the controller. The intended output target is the state quantity corresponding to the ActuationMode set for the link.

  • void enableIO(Link* link)

Enables input/output of status quantities for the link given with “link.” The intended output target is the state quantity corresponding to the ActuationMode set for the link.


SimpleControllerIO includes definitions for functions like setLinkInput, setJointInput, setLinkOutput, and setJointOutput. These are the functions used in Choreonoid version 1.5 and prior; starting in 1.6, they have been replaced by the aforementioned enableIO, enableInput, and enableOutput. You should use the latter functions when using versions 1.6 and later.

The values given to StateTypes in the enableInput function are the below symbols defined for SimpleControllerIO.



State variable


Joint displacement



Same as JOINT_DISPLACEMENT. Defined for rotating joints.



Joint speed (angular velocity)



Joint acceleration (angular acceleration)



The joint translation force or torque.



Same as JOINT_EFFORT. Defined for rotating joints.



Same as JOINT_EFFORT. Defined for prismatic joints.


To specify multiple elements, separate them with the bitwise operator “|”. For example, using


lets you specify both the joint displacement and velocity.

The ActuationMode available for use varies based on the simulator item (≒ physics engine) type and configuration. The majority of simulator items support JOINT_EFFORT. Combining this with JOINT_DISPLACEMENT input let you perform PD control.

The ActuationMode set for the Link object generally takes the following types of input.













However, using enableInput to pass a stateTypes parameter lets you freely input a state quantity of your choice.


You can also use the LINK_POSITION symbol against direct input/output on the position and orientation of a link in 3D space. We go into this in later detail in the section on Input/output of link position and orientation .

Initialization process

The initialize function inherits the SimpleController class and is used to initialize the controller.

In the sample, first use

ioBody = io->body();

to poll the I/O body object and store it in the member variable ioBody. This lets you use the object in a different function within the controller.

Similarly, the time step (delta time) used for control calculations is:

dt = io->timeStep();

This stores values in a member variable (dt).

Next, we use the following for statement to initiate a loop on all of the robot’s joints and initialize them.

for(int i=0; i < ioBody->numJoints(); ++i){

The line below in the loop polls the link object for the nth (i) joint and sets it to the joint variable.

Link* joint = ioBody->joint(i);


Next, use


to configure the ActuationMode for this joint. Here we use Link::JOINT_TORQUE to set a command value for joint torque. Also, using


enables input/output for the joint. Since the ActuationMode is set to JOINT_TORQUE, the output is joint torque and the input is joint angle. This lets you achieve PD control.



is used to store the vector variable for the joint angle when the robot is in its default state. This also uses PD control. This concludes the for loop used for the joints.


qold = qref;

is used to initialize the qold variable to the same value as qref. This variable is used in PD control to reference the joint angle one step prior.

Returning “true” as the return value against the initialize function conveys to the simulator that the initialization succeeded.

Control loops

Next, we give the class inheriting SimpleController a control loop in its control function.

As with initializing, use the for statement below:

for(int i=0; i < ioBody->numJoints(); ++i){
    Link* joint = ioBody->joint(i);

This performs control calculations against all joints. This code is used for operations on each joint.

First, we input the current joint angle.

double q = joint->q();

PD control is used to calculate the command value for joint torque. The difference from the last joint angle in the control loop is used to calculate the current joint angular velocity.

double dq = (q - qold[i]) / dt;

The goal of the control operation here is to maintain the initial orientation and stance of the model; the joint angle target is the initial joint angle, and the velocity is 0 (still), with a torque command value calculated to that end.

double u = (qref[i] - q) * pgain[i] + (0.0 - dq) * dgain[i];

The pgain and dgain array set at the beginning of the source code are used to extract gain values for each joint. Gain values must be adjusted for each model; in the interest of time, we will omit an explanation of that here.

Save the joint angle as the qold variable for use in calculation later.

qold[i] = q;

This exports a command value on calculated torque. This allows you to control the joint and maintain its initial angle.

joint->u() = u;

All of the above apply to joints and ensure that the orientation and stance of the entire robot is maintained.

Lastly, when the control function returns true, this conveys to the simulator that the control has been inherited. This allows the control function to be continuously called in a loop.

Device I/O

Devices explained

Thus far, we have handled input/output of status quantity implicated in joints, such as with joint angle and torque. By contrast, there are also input/output elements that are separate from joints. These are defined as “devices” in Choreonoid and form constituent elements of Body models.

Examples of devices include:

  • Power sensors, velocity sensors, angular velocity sensors (rate gyros)

  • Cameras and laser range sensors

among others. These are generally used as sensors for input.

In addition, external (outside world) outputs can include:

  • Lights

  • Speakers

  • Displays

and other devices. (Speakers and display are listed only as examples and not actually implemented at this time.)

When developing actual controllers, input and output must be handled with respect to these numerous devices. To do so, you must ascertain:

  • How the device is defined in the model

  • How to access a given device in the controller format


Device objects

Choreonoid’s Body models express device information in the form of Device objects. These are instances that inherit the properties of Device classes; Device objects are defined for each device type. The default devices available include:

+ Device
  + ForceSensor (force sensor)
  + RateGyroSensor (angular velocity sensor)
  + AccelerationSensor (accelerometer)
  + Camera (camera)
    + RangeCamera (camera + distance image sensor)
  + RangeSensor (range sensor)
  + Light
    + PointLight (point light source)
    + SpotLight (spot light)

Device information in robots is generally described in model files. Standard format model files involve Nodes defining sensors and devices , as discussed in the Body file reference manual .

As with the Body and Link objects, SimpleController conducts input/output on devices as-is using the Device object, an internal expression of Choreonoid.

The Device objects used by the SR1 model we reference in this section are as follows:


The type of device.




Accelerometer installed on the waist link



Gyro installed on the waist link



Distance imaging sensor for the left eye of the camera



Distance imaging sensor for the right eye of the camera



Force sensor installed on the left ankle



Force sensor installed on the right ankle

Obtaining device objects

Device objects can be obtained from a body object by using the following member functions:

  • int numDevices() const

Returns the number of devices.

  • Device* device(int i) const

Returns the nth (i) device. Device order follows the order of notation within the model file.

  • const DeviceList<>& devices() const

Returns a list of all devices.

  • template<class DeviceType> DeviceList<DeviceType> devices() const

Returns a list of all devices of the type given.

  • template<class DeviceType> DeviceType* findDevice(const std::string& name) const

If there is a Device of the type and name given, returns it.

To poll a specific type of device, use DeviceList, a template class. DeviceList is an array that contains the device objects specified. Its constructor and extraction operator (<<) can be used to extract the specific object from the list and exclude others. For instance, if you want to pull the force sensor belonging to “ioBody,” a Body object, use:

DeviceList<ForceSensor> forceSensors(ioBody->devices());

Or, you could add the below against an existing list:

forceSensors << ioBody->devices();


DeviceList contains functions and operators similar to std::vector. For example, use:

for(size_t i=0; i < forceSensors.size(); ++i){
    ForceSensor* forceSensor = forceSensor[i];

to access each object.

Using the findDevice function lets you specify a device type and name and poll it. For example, the SR1 model has a WaistAccelSensor equipped on the waist link. This is an accelerometer. To poll it, you would use the below against the Body object:

AccelerationSensor* accelSensor =


I/O methods

Input and output via a Device object is done as follows:

  • Input

For the IO object of SimpleController, enable the input to the device by using the following function:

  • void enableInput(Device* device)

You can then use the corresponding member functions to obtain the input values.

  • Output

After using the device’s setter function corresponding to the sensor data to output, notify the simulator of the device update by using the following function:

  • void notifyStateChange()

To do the above, you must know the class definitions used by the device in question. For example, AccelerationSensor, an accelerometer class, includes the dv() member function used to access its state. This returns a three-dimensional vector result for the acceleration.

Accelerometer input on the SR1 model functions as follows. In the initialize function for the controller, use the below:

AccelerationSensor* accelSensor =

This will enable input to the accelSensor. Next, in the section referencing the accelerometer value within the control function, use the below:

Vector3 dv = waistAccelSensor->dv();

to poll it.

Similarly, you can use the corresponding member functions for ForceSensor and RateGyroSensor to handle state input.

When using cameras, range sensors, and other visual sensors, you must configure your settings accordingly. This is explained in the section on Simulation of Vision Sensor .

For output to a device, see the sample for TankJoystickLight.cnoid, which handles on/off functionality for the light.

Tip: About the definition of the SimpleController class

In SimpleController class, two virtual functions of this class, initialize and control, were introduced. In addition to these, SimpleController has the following virtual functions, each of which can be overridden to implement processing.

  • virtual bool configure(SimpleControllerConfig* config).

This is another function for initializing the controller, but it is executed at a different timing than the initialize function. initialize function is executed when the simulation is started, but this function is executed before that, when the controller is introduced into the project (embedded in the item tree) and associated with a specific robot model. If there is any process that you want to execute before the simulation starts, you should write it here. You can get information related to initialization through the “config” argument.

  • virtual bool start().

This is another function for initializing the controller, but it is executed after the initialize function in terms of timing; it is executed when the initialization of the entire simulation including the initialize function is completed and the controller is about to start working.

  • virtual void stop().

This function is executed when the simulation is stopped.

  • virtual void unconfigure().

This is the counterpart of configure, and is executed when the controller becomes invalid, such as when it is deleted or detached from the target model.

The config object given as an argument to the configure function is the same as IO object . It has the member function to get information about the target model such as

  • Body* body()

and other members similar to IO objects.

Note, however, that the body object obtained from the config object is not the same as the one obtained from the IO object; the one obtained from the IO object is used for input and output to and from the body object during simulation, and is generated at simulation runtime. On the other hand, the body object obtained from the config object is the original body object of the body item, which exists before the simulation is started.

Other samples

Choreonoid includes a variety of other controllers besides the SR1MinimumController. You can find Sample Projects that make use of these, so please have a look.