[choreonoid-users 00005] Re: [choreonoid-users-ja 00110] Proper way to load RTC Controller

Luis Filipe Rossi luisf.rossi at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 01:41:49 JST 2013

Not sure yet what was the problem. Maybe the path to the .dat files or the
rtc port names.

What I did for now was to get the Choreonoid RTM project and start from
there. The only problem is that, as the makefile is a common one, I have to
call a full build to choreonoid project. Of course it just builds what
changed since last build.

Thank you for the help.

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 12:34 AM, Shin'ichiro Nakaoka
<s.nakaoka at aist.go.jp>wrote:

> To all:
> This topic has been moved to this ML from the choreonoid-users-ja ML.
> Hello Luis,
> > Should I use the BodyRTC?
> Yes, basically you have to use a BodyRTCItem to connect an RTC
> controller to a robot in the current version of Choreonoid.
> > RTC "SamplePD" is not ready.
> Setting the full path to the DLL of a controller RTC is a correct way.
> Is there any other error messages when you start the simulation?
> I also wonder if the existing simulation samples using OpenRTM work
> correctly in your environment. For example, there is the
> OpenRTM-SR1Walk.cnoid project, which is like SamplePD of OpenHRP3, in
> the default project directory. Do they work correctly?
> > Should I use the OpenHRP3.1Controller?
> No, I cannot recommend you to use the OpenHRP3's controller interface.
> It is provided just for realizing the low-level compatibility with
> OpenHRP3.
> By the way, now we are developing two new functions of Choreonoid.
> One is the python scripting function, and the other is a built-in
> graphical editor for the RTC port connection like RT System Editor.
> Those function can improve the flexibility and usability to setup
> RTC-based simulations. In fact the current version (1.4) of Choreonoid
> before achieving that is inconvenient. I'm sorry about that.
> --
> Shin'ichiro Nakaoka <s.nakaoka at aist.go.jp>
> (10/18/13 20:33), Luis Filipe Rossi wrote:
> > Hello Nakaoka,
> >
> > No problem. Just did the request for the eglish list.
> >
> > Thank you for your reply.
> >
> > And congratulation for the Choreonoid, it has a much more stable and
> > friendly user interface than OpenHRP3 has.
> >
> > Best regards,
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Luís Filipe Rossi
Electrical Engineer
Biomechatronics Lab. / Grupo de Sensores Integráveis e Sistemas
Escola Politécnica
Universidade de São Paulo
Cel. +55 (11) 97662-9234
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