[choreonoid-users 00004] Re: Does it support Force Sensor?

Luis Filipe Rossi luisf.rossi at gmail.com
Wed Oct 23 21:31:52 JST 2013

Thank you for you reply,

For now I am using OpenHRP3 to edit the models. Can't you use the same

Regarding the force sensors. Not sure what i did wrong, but maybe you can
take a look . If i add a force sensor to the model, when i try to add a
BodyRTC to the model, the choreonoid crashes.

Thank you for the explanation on how to connect the force sensor. I will
take a try when I am done with the crashes.

Best regards,

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 1:12 AM, Shin'ichiro Nakaoka
<s.nakaoka at aist.go.jp>wrote:

> Hello Luis,
> > Does choreonoid support force sensor (used for ZMP stabilization) as
> > OpenHRP3? If yes, how can i access it from the simulator?
> Yes, Choreonoid supports basic sensors including force sensors.
> If a robot model has force sensors and you select "Create Default Port"
> in the property view of the BodyRTCItem, the BodyRTCItem creates the
> ports correspinding to the sensor outputs. The names of the ports are
> like "forcesensor", "gsensor", "gyrometer". The remaining thing to do is
> to connect ports of your controller RTC to those ports to get the sensor
> outputs.
> The connection can be done in a variety of ways such as using the RT
> System Editor, but currently Chreonoid itself does not provides good
> fucntions to do that. One of the functions is that if you enable the
> "Auto Connect" option of a BodyRTCItem and specify "Controller module
> name", the item setup the controller module (RTC) and connect the ports
> of the BodyRTC and the controller RTC in such a way that an in-port and
> an out-port with the same name are connected. So if your controller RTC
> has an in-port with name "forcesensor", it is connected to the BodyRTC's
> forcesensor outport.
> Another way to do the connection by Choreonoid is to write a config
> file. Example of this are the "PA10Pickup" and "OpenRTM-TankJoystick"
> samples. In the "lib/choreonoid-1.4/rtc" directory, there are
> "PA10Pickup.conf" and "TankJoystic.conf". When you specify "Use
> Configuration File" for the "Configuration mode" property of a
> BodyRTCItem, a config file which has the same basename with the
> controller RTC module is read to setup the port creation and connection.
> The format of the conf files is the same as that of OpenHRP3's
> ControllerBridge conf files. Please see
> http://www.openrtp.jp/openhrp3/en/controller_bridge.html to know the
> details of the format.
> However, those way of setup is a kind of quick job, and I'd like to
> provide better functions in the next version of Choreonoid.
> > Can I edit models inside the choreonoid?
> No, Choreonoid does not provide such a function.
> I'd like to acheive this in the future, too.
> I think it's not so diificult to write such a function,
> and I'm glad if someone tries to develop it.
> --
> Shin'ichiro Nakaoka <s.nakaoka at aist.go.jp>
> > Hello,
> >
> > Does choreonoid support force sensor (used for ZMP stabilization) as
> > OpenHRP3? If yes, how can i access it from the simulator?
> >
> > Can I edit models inside the choreonoid?
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > --
> > Luís Filipe Rossi
> > Electrical Engineer
> > Biomechatronics Lab. / Grupo de Sensores Integráveis e Sistemas
> > Escola Politécnica
> > Universidade de São Paulo
> > Cel. +55 (11) 97662-9234
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Luís Filipe Rossi
Electrical Engineer
Biomechatronics Lab. / Grupo de Sensores Integráveis e Sistemas
Escola Politécnica
Universidade de São Paulo
Cel. +55 (11) 97662-9234
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