[choreonoid-users 00057] Call Simulation as a bash

Luis Filipe Rossi luisf.rossi at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 00:35:59 JST 2015


I am working on developing a gait controller for biped robots, but my
current implementation is using Matlab. To control the robot using Matlab I
created an IPC using TCP/IP sockets. On the Choreonoid side i am using an
OpenRTM controller that works as a server. Basically every simulation step
it stop waiting for commands from matlab as to request sensor information
and update joint torques. When the control loop is over the Matlab sends a
step command and the controller returns. With that i can control the robot
with the matlab and with no timing restriction of the control. That works
fine but is not very functional as I need to start the choreonoid and the
simulation manually. Sometimes the simulation creshes and the TCP/IP
connection stays locked for a while (until linux kills it). Is there any
easier way to perform a bash simulation and gather all the simulation
output? The best case scenario would to implement the simulation directly
with matlab (with shared libraries calls). But even to start the simulation
as a bash command and then receive the simulation output as a stream (joint
absolute position at all instants) would be nice. I dont need to stay with
OpenRPM, was just the first solution I could find.


Luís Filipe Rossi
Cel. +55 (11) 97662-9234
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