[choreonoid-users 00058] Re: Call Simulation as a bash
Shin'ichiro Nakaoka
s.nakaoka at aist.go.jp
Fri Sep 18 00:19:25 JST 2015
Do you want to control the simulation from a command shell?
Unfortunately, there is no such function, but it is possible to write a
plugin that controls the simulation according to corresponding shell
commands by using some kind of interprocess communication.
On 2015年08月11日 00:35, Luis Filipe Rossi wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working on developing a gait controller for biped robots, but my
> current implementation is using Matlab. To control the robot using Matlab I
> created an IPC using TCP/IP sockets. On the Choreonoid side i am using an
> OpenRTM controller that works as a server. Basically every simulation step
> it stop waiting for commands from matlab as to request sensor information
> and update joint torques. When the control loop is over the Matlab sends a
> step command and the controller returns. With that i can control the robot
> with the matlab and with no timing restriction of the control. That works
> fine but is not very functional as I need to start the choreonoid and the
> simulation manually. Sometimes the simulation creshes and the TCP/IP
> connection stays locked for a while (until linux kills it). Is there any
> easier way to perform a bash simulation and gather all the simulation
> output? The best case scenario would to implement the simulation directly
> with matlab (with shared libraries calls). But even to start the simulation
> as a bash command and then receive the simulation output as a stream (joint
> absolute position at all instants) would be nice. I dont need to stay with
> OpenRPM, was just the first solution I could find.
> Regards,
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Shin'ichiro Nakaoka <s.nakaoka �� aist.go.jp>
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