
AGXWire is a wire model using AGX Dynamics. The agxWire module of AGX Dynamics is used for implementation.

Features of AGXWire

  • Hard to be torn

    Even if the wire is pulled with a strong force it is hard to be torn. For example, it is useful for hanging a container with a crane wire.

  • Good performance for long length

    A general physics engine expresses cables and wires by connecting rigid bodies with a shape such as a capsule and a cylinder with joints.
    Therefore, as the number of rigid bodies increases, the amount of computation increases, and finally the calculation is not completed within real time.
    In this model, the number of elements can be automatically increased / decreased during the simulation.
    This can be reduce computation amount of the simulation.


AGXWire emphasizes speed. The stability of collision response is not high.
It does not correspond to a tough scene such as a robot stepping on wires or sandwiching wires with a door.
In such a situation wire may oscillate and in the worst case the simulation may stop.


You can check samples to how to use AGXWire. The samples are below. When loading the sample projects with Choreonoid and running the simulation with AGXSimulator, the wire will be displayed.

  • Winch, Wire, Wire link
    • Project file: chorenoid/sample/AGXDynamics/agxWireSample.cnoid
    • Body file: chorenoid/sample/AGXDynamics/agxWireSample.body
  • Fire hose
    • Project file: chorenoid/sample/AGXDynamics/FireHose.cnoid
    • Body file: chorenoid/sample/AGXDynamics/FireHose.body

How to write

Link composition of sample model is as below.

    name: Drum
    parent: Root
    translation: [ -1.0, 0.0, -3.0 ]
    jointType: fixed
        type: Shape
        geometry: { type: Cylinder, radius: 0.25, height: 0.2 }
        appearance: { material: { diffuseColor: [ 1.0, 0, 0 ] }}
        type: AGXWireDevice
        radius: 0.02
        resolutionPerUnitLength: 5
        collision: true
        selfCollision: true
        materialName: Wire
        #wireYoungsModulusStretch: 6E10
        #wireSpookDampingStretch: 0.075
        #wireYoungsModulusBend: 6E10
        #wireSpookDampingBend: 0.075
            linkName: Drum
            position: [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.27 ]
            normal: [1.0 , 0.0, 0.0 ]
            pulledInLength: 50
            haulForceRange: [ -50, 50 ]
            type: free
            linkName: Root
            position: [ -0.27, 0.0, 0.27]
            type: free
            linkName: Root
            position: [ 0.27, 0.0, 0.27]
            type: link
            linkName: Sphere
            position: [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.1]
            #twistStiffness: 1.0E10
            #bendStiffness: 1.0E10
            #superBendReplacedWithBend: true
    name: Sphere
    parent: Root
    translation: [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
    jointType: free
    mass: 1.0
        type: Shape
        geometry: { type: Sphere, radius: 0.1 }
        appearance: { material: { diffuseColor: [ 0.0, 1.0, 0 ] }}
        type: AGXWireDevice
        radius: 0.04
        resolutionPerUnitLength: 5
        collision: true
        selfCollision: true
        materialName: Wire
            type: link
            linkName: Sphere
            position: [ 0.0, 0.0, -0.1]
            type: fixed
            linkName: Box
            position: [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.1 ]
    name: Box
    parent: Sphere
    translation: [ 0.0, 0.0, -2.0 ]
    jointType: free
    mass: 5
        type: Shape
        geometry: { type: Box, size: [ 0.2, 0.2, 0.2] }
        appearance: { material: { diffuseColor: [ 0.0, 1.0, 0 ] }}
  1. Add AGXWireDevice to the elements part of arbitrary link
  2. Set parameters of the wire
  • Set the radius of the wire to the parameter radius
  • Set the resolution of the wire to the parameter resolutionPerUnitLength
  • Set enable or disable collision between wires, links and other environments to collsion
  • Set enable or disable self collision between the wire and the links which has the wire to selfCollision
  • Set the material of the wire to materialName. Check the reference Additional parameters for physical material.
  • It is recommend to use the material file. Though, you can set parameters such as wireYoungsModulusStretch directly into the body file.
  1. In order to pull out the wire from the winch, set the following
  • Set the link name, which to be used as a winch, to linkName. You can specify any link.
  • Set the pulled out position of the wire to position relative from the link coordinate of the link
  • Set the pulled out direction of the wire to normal relative from the link coordinate of the link
  • Set the length of the wire which stock into the winch to pulledInLength
  • Set the required force to pull out the wire from the winch or put in to haulForceRange
  1. Next, use the Node hash to route the wire in space
  1. Wires can be routed in three ways. The way of routing is specified as type:
  • type: free Route the wire to the specified position. Not fixed.
  • type: fixed Fix the wire at the specified position. The fixed point can rotate freely(balljoint).
  • type: link Connect the wire to the link. The connecting point has twisting stiffness and bending stiffness.
  1. Set the linkName in which coordinate system to route the wire
  • When the link exist in which name is the linkName: Link coordinate
  • When the linkName is empty or not exist link: World coordinate
  1. Set the routing position to position

Explanation of parameters

The parameters are described below.


parameter default value uinit data type explanation
type: AGXWireDevice - - string declaration of using AGXWire
radius 0.02 m double radius of the wire
resolutionPerUnitLength - m double minimum resolution of the wire
collision - - bool set enable/disable collision between the wire and other objects
selfCollision - - bool set enable/disalbe self-collision between the wire and the body which has the wire
materialName - - string name of the material
wireYoungsModulusStretch 6e10 N/m double young’s modulus in the stretch direction
wireSpookDampingStretch 0.075 s double spook damping in the stretch direction
wireYoungsModulusBend 6e10 N/m double young’s modulus in the bending direction
wireSpookDampingBend 0.075 s double spook damping in the bending direction
twistStiffness 0 N/m double Available at type:link. Twisting stiffness between the wire and the link.
bendStiffness 0 N/m double Available at type:link. Bending stiffness between the wire and the link.
superBendReplacedWithBend false - bool Available at type:link. Make the wire more flexible in the bending direction at the connecting point.


parameter default value uinit data type explanation
linkName - - string link name which to be a winch
position   - Vec3 pulled out position of the wire
normal   - Vec3 pulled out direction of the wire
pulledInLength   m double length of the wire which store into the winch
haulForceRange   N Vec2 force required to pull out the wire from or put in the wire to the winch


parameter default value uinit data type explanation
type - - string type of routing the wire: set free, fixed, link
linkName - - string link name in which coordinate system to route the wire
position   - Vec3 position where locate or fix the wire

Collision settings of the wire

As explained in Features of AGXWire, agxWire does not correspond to the case such as the robot stepping on wires.
However, it is difficult to operate the robot avoiding such a case.
Here are some countermeasures.


  • Please note that wire material parameters are overridden in the order of material description < direct description .