[choreonoid-users 00063] Re: How can I get ground truth global COM or Origin of the robot using simplecontroller/plugin or other method?

Shin'ichiro Nakaoka s.nakaoka at aist.go.jp
Tue Aug 9 00:29:33 JST 2016

Hi Okkee,

You can get the global position of a link by using the setLinkInput
function in the initialize function. If you specify the root link and
the LINK_POSITION symbol to the parameters of this function, the global
position variable of the root link is updated and you can obtain the
value in the control function.
Please check the following section of the manual:

On 2016年08月05日 09:57, 심옥기 wrote:
> Dear choreonoid users,Hello, I'm Okkee Sim from KAIST Hubolab.Recently I'm trying to use choreonoid to simulate DRC-hubo,and I succeded to connect our software to choreonoid using SimpleController.Now I'm trying to evaluate and check performance of my state estimator, and what I want to know is thathow to get ground truth Center of mass or origin of the robot?Can I get those values in SimpleController? Or maybe other plugin is needed?In simplecontroller I triedbody->calcForwardKinematics(true,true);Vector3 com = body->calcCenterOfMass();in control loop but it does not work.It returns some value, but it is in local frame, and value is strange(when leg is stretched, z values go down).Thank you so much.Okkee SimKAIST Hubolabsim2040 �� kaist.ac.kr+82-10-4424-2040
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Shin'ichiro Nakaoka <s.nakaoka �� aist.go.jp>

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