[choreonoid-users 00018] Re: Does it support Force Sensor?

Luis Filipe Rossi luisf.rossi at gmail.com
Sat Nov 9 00:42:16 JST 2013

What limitations do you see in the DH parameters?

Let me explain my situation. I am working with biped gait control, but in
order to focus in the concept i am working in Matlab environment. I created
an IPC between the RTC and Matlab using TCP/IP connection, In Matlab i am
implementing the IK and FK of the robot, and so i must have the
transformation and jacobian matrix. To get that i am using the DH
parameters. What would you recommend me to use in my situation to model the
robot kinematics? For the ZMP implementation I am using the inverted
pendulum model for now.

Best regards,

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Luis Filipe Rossi <luisf.rossi at gmail.com>wrote:

> No problem at all,
> I must say thank you for providing a solution so fast. Just updated that
> line of code, compiled and seems to be working.
> I will hep with whatever I can.
> Best regards,
> On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Shin'ichiro Nakaoka <s.nakaoka at aist.go.jp>wrote:
>> Hi Luis,
>> > I will send you de model tomorrow. It is at the lab computer. It is
>> > basically the SR1 model with no chest, arms and head. I added the force
>> > sensor as it is at the HRP-4C model.
>> Thank you for this.
>> I tried to load your modified model and confirmed that Choreonoid
>> crashes, and I have found a bug causing this problem.
>> By applying the following modification, the bug is fixed:
>> --- a/src/Body/Device.h
>> +++ b/src/Body/Device.h
>> @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
>>                  if(TargetType* device =
>> dynamic_cast<TargetType*>(get(i))){
>>                      const int id = device->id();
>>                      if(id >= 0){
>> -                        if(out_map.size() >= id){
>> +                        if(out_map.size() <= id){
>>                              out_map.resize(id + 1);
>>                          }
>>                          out_map[id] = device;
>> I'm sorry to trouble you,
>> and thank you so much for pointing out this problem.
>> --
>> Shin'ichiro Nakaoka <s.nakaoka at aist.go.jp>
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> --
> Luís Filipe Rossi
> Electrical Engineer
> Biomechatronics Lab. / Grupo de Sensores Integráveis e Sistemas
> Escola Politécnica
> Universidade de São Paulo
> Cel. +55 (11) 97662-9234

Luís Filipe Rossi
Electrical Engineer
Biomechatronics Lab. / Grupo de Sensores Integráveis e Sistemas
Escola Politécnica
Universidade de São Paulo
Cel. +55 (11) 97662-9234
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